

Our Packaging Capabilities

Our packaging line compliments the pickling and slitting process, offering a value-added processing service in one convenient location. Our packaging line is capable of custom packaging up to 17,000 lb. slit coils. This line supports both our slitting and pickling line operations. Your product can be packaged in a stand-up position, up-ended onto skids or runners, and plastic wrapped if required. Quality, on-time delivery and customer satisfaction are our main objectives in providing these additional services.






    Finished Slit Width



    2” min


    Min. / Max Weight



    80,000 lbs. (Stand-up Only)


    Coil ID



    20 or 24”


    Coil OD



    30 – 80” on skids or runners


    Max Package Weight



    17,000 lbs (skids/runners)


    Max Package Height



    Max package height 37” 

    (includes material, spacers and skid height).





    Eye vertical or horizontal


    Paper Wrap





    Plastic Wrap





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